Friday, May 31, 2019
Burmese Days Essay -- essays research papers
George Orwell&8217s novel Burmese Days is set in 1920&8217s Burma under British colonialism. It focuses on the imperialism of the British and its effects on the relationships in the midst of the British, the British and Indians, and between the Indians themselves. The novel concentrates on the town of Kyauktada in Upper Burma.Kyauktada is described as hot and sultry. It is a small town of approximately four thousand. The overwhelming mass of the inhabitants are Burmese, but there are also a hundred Indians, two Eurasians, sixty Chinese, and Seven Europeans. (Pg. 16) It is near the jungle and the Irrawaddy River. There are many trees and flowers, including honeysuckle. Though the English have jobs to perform much of their time is consumed with drinking whiskey in the Club, retreating from the &8220prickly heat, napping, and occasionally playing tennis or hunting. Though there is not much physical activity by the English, they do not complain about it. They do complain incessantly about the heat and about the possible acceptance of natives into their exclusively European Club.In Burmese Days the overwhelming majority of British held themselves superior to the Burmese. They feel that it is their duty to rule over the less intelligent &8220niggers of Burma. Through the description of the characteristics of both the British and Burmese, Orwell helps us understand the quantify system through which the British have come to the conclusion that they must rule over the Burmese. An example of such a description is that of Maxwell, them acting divisional Forest Officer. Maxwell is depicted as a &8220fresh-coloured blond youth of not more than twenty-five or six &8211 very young for the hazard he held. (Pg. 22) This description lends value to the light skinned and fair-haired British, though some, like Flory, have black hair. Maxwell is also very young for his post, well-favored the impression that he is intelligent. Mr. Lackersteen, the manger of a timber firm, tho ugh forty and slightly bloated, it described a &8220fine-looking with an ingenuous face. (Pg. 20- 21) This description leads us to believe British are good looking and honest.Orwell offers us numerous descriptions of favorable characteristics of the British, but he clearly distinguishes &8220bad British from &am... ...sire to become a member of the Club is mischievously discussed. However, U Po Kyin succeeds in his quest for the membership to the Club by ruining Flory&8217s relationship with Elizabeth, which results in Flory killing Flo, his dog, and committing suicide. The prestige that Dr. Veraswami had possessed died with Flory. This undone Flory, making a membership in the Club impossible. Instead U Po Kyin was elected into the Club, and became and agreeable, yet largely absent, member.Any possibility for understanding between Englishmen and Indians dies with Flory. This is because no other Englishmen could see beyond the stereotype of Indians as conniving, lazy, uncivilized &8220niggers. Though Mr. Macgregor did not dislike the Indians he only found them pleasing when they had no freedoms. None of these opinions held by the Englishmen are conducive to a reciprocal, understanding relationship between the British and the Burmese. Even if the English had overcome these barriers, the natives held stereotypes of the British as power-hungry, mean, degrading, and nave. The feelings of the natives toward the British would also need to be overcome if an understanding were to be reached.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Computer Fanatics - Good or Evil? :: essays papers
Computer Fanatics - Good or Evil? Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Charles Manson, and David Koresh were all fanatics of some nature. These fanatics did not have a helpful side effect for people but caused death and one of them a World War. Fanatics dont all have to be great(p) though some fanatics helped our way of life or increased it with entertainment. Such fanatics like Michael Jordan and Larry Bird have made basketball a more gratifying sport to watch. A fanatic is a person with an extreme and uncritical enthusiasm or zeal. All of the above mentioned have had or have these qualities. wholeness type of fanatic that has grown larger in numbers is the computing machine fanatic. With the rise of technology and the Internet kids and adults are becoming fanatical with estimators. Some of the traits of a computer fanatic are a need or want to be around a computer around of the time, blithers a flock about computers, and there incredible knowledge for them. A computer fan atic always wants to be around a computer and if he isnt its almost like a withdrawal from a drug. To a computer fanatic a computer is almost like a drug and if he doesnt get a constant supply of it then he gets moody or restless. Programmers and other computer technicians are almost all computer fanatics and they spend at least 40 hours a week on a computer. Computers to these people are basically there life and that is why the coined stipulation computer nerd was created. A good example of a computer fanatic can be seen in the movie Matrix that the main operator is seen next to his computer asleep and it looks as if he hasnt moved all day. They love computers like someone might love their wife. When a computer fanatic isnt around their computer they are always talking about them. They will always at some point have to talk about some thing related to computers. They have a difficult time separating their computer from any other part of their life. Its hard to draw out a convers ation with a computer fanatic because sooner or later they will mention something related to computers. Sometimes it can be raise but usually they speak at a level of understanding that a non-computer fanatic would not understand.There level of understanding is above most normal people and that is another way to tell if they are computer fanatics.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
What is This Thing Called Love? :: essays research papers
What is This Thing Called Love?A wise man once said that love is a wonderful thing. Although this statement leaves sparse room for argument, it does little to define what love is beyond the vague realm of wonderful. It is my duty as a devout romantic to embark upon the seemingly difficult task of defining love by looking at the history, explaining what love is not, and examining the uses of love and the results of that usage. (Origin and Causes) The starting time of the script is probably the most logical place to start. As with many words in the English language, love is a derivative of the Latin word "causemajoraproblemus" which means "Youre miserable when you got it and miserable when you dont." The word was created to explain the biological phenomenon that existed when certain individuals came into contact with each other and either remained together or went about their lives separately. disregardless of the outcome, the relationship was usually characteristi c of throat lumps, knotted stomachs, and weak knees, temporary loss of language, sweaty palms, dizziness, sneezing, and occasional nausea. Belligerent insanity also resulted. History clearly illustrates this. crapper we ever forget the face that launched a thousand ships? Federally expressing Van Goghs ear? The construction of Le Tour Eiffel? All of these were results of love and love lost. (Negation) Star-crossed lovers puddle stated that love is not hand nor foot nor any part belonging to a man. Matrimonial ceremonies also claim that love is not suspicious or boastful. Let it be stated here that love also is not a gourmet dish, a domesticated animal, or a in style(p) trend. Love is not a strategic defense mechanism nor the best kept secret at the Pentagon. Love is not another seasoning to store and stick on the dust-lined shelves of the spice rack. Love is not to be confused with adhesive tape. Instead, love is a great counterpart to late, evening thunder storms on hot July n ights. Love goes well with cold pizza on picnic blankets.
Socratic Citizenship as Salve to the Antinomy of Rules and Values :: Plato Philosophy Philosophical Essays
Socratic Citizenship as Salve to the Antinomy of Rules and Values It is not inconceivable that Plato would view the enforcement of rigid laws as a appalling lie (Rep112) baronial as a guarantor of order in a just city, but misleading in its pretense of infallibility. The Crito, the apologia, and the Republic stimulate the tension in Platos work between a commitment to substantive justice and to formalist legal justice. In a system of substantive justice, rules be flexible and act as maxims of efficiency (Unger 90), proxies of justice and virtue. The system of formalist legal justice secures order and stability with rigid rules while risking miscarriages of particularity. This paper, then, is about Platos noble lie.Roberto Ungers Knowledge and Politics provides an invaluable lens for examining Platos discussion of law and justice in the Republic, the Apology and the Crito. In the Republic, Plato sketches the outlines of a just, ordered city-state. The Apology presents Socrates def ense against an unjust accusation before the court of law. The Crito sees Socrates accept his unjust sentencing to death and defend the rule of law. Ungers work helps distill from these Platonic whole kit a coherent platform of substantive justice and a critique of a formalist theory of adjudication. Moreover, while Ungers arguments arrive in the context of a critique of liberal political theory, Plato nevertheless offers a response to Ungers main critique of substantive justice, the antinomy of rules and values (91). The idea of Socratic citizenship, gleaned from the Apology and the Crito, seeks to dissipate this antinomy. Roberto Unger examines substantive justice in Knowledge and Politics in the context of legislation and adjudication. Unger defines substantive justice as a mode of ordering gentleman relations which determines goals and, independently of rules, decides particular cases by a judgment of what decision is most likely to contribute to the predetermined goals, a ju dgment of instrumental reason (89). In the Republic, Socrates evokes the principles of substantive justice in his verbal creation of the ideal Greek city-state. In book IV, Socrates locates the ends of the ideal city-state in the four virtues courage, temperance, wisdom and justice. Books I and II of the Republic deliver a scathing indictment against a formalist theory of adjudication. Formalist legal justice assumes that it is possible to deduce correct judgments from the laws by an spontaneous process (92) without reference to the purpose or end of the law.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Gabriel Garcia Marquez :: Spanish Essays
Nacio el 6 de marzo de 1928 en Aracataca, Columbia , en el hogar de Gabriel Eligio Garcia, telegrafista y de Luisa Santiaga Marquez Iguaran. Siendo muy nio fue dejado al cuidado de sus abuelos maternos, el Coronel Nicolas Marquez Iguaran -su idolo de toda la vida- y Tranquilina Iguaran Cortes. El re short-changeoce que su madre es quien descubre los personajes de sus novelas a traves de sus recuerdos. Por haber vivido retirado al comienzo de su padre, le fue difcil tratarlo con confianza en la adolescencia "nunca me sentia seguro frente a el, no sabia como complacerlo. El era de una seriedad que yo confundia con la incomprension", dice Garcia Marquez. En 1936, cuando murio su abuelo, fue enviado a estudiar a Barranquilla. En 1940, viajo a Zipaquira, donde fue becado space-reflection symmetry estudiar bachillerato. "Alli, como no tena suficiente dinero para perder ni suficiente billar para ganar, preferia quedarme en el cuarto encerrado, leyendo", comenta el Nobel. E n 1946 termino bachillerato. Al ao siguiente se matriculo en la Facultad de Ciencias Politicas de la Universidad Nacional y edito en diario "El Espectador" su cuento, "La primera designacion". En 1950, escribio una columna en el periodico "El Heraldo" de Barranquilla, bajo el seudnimo de Septimus y en 1952, publico el captulo inicial de "La Hojarasca", su primera novela en ese diario, en el que colaboro desde 1956. En 1958, se caso con Mercedes Barcha. Tienen dos hijos, Rodrigo y Gonzalo. Gabriel Garcia Marquez, quien esta radicado en Ciudad de Mexico desde 1975, en una vieja casona restaurada por el mismo, es amigo cercano de inportantes personalidades mundiales, lo fue de Omar Torrijos y conserva fuertes lazos con Fidel Castro, Carlos Andres Perez, Francois Miterrand, los presidentes de Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia y otros muchos. El 11 de diciembre de 1982, despues de que por votacion unanime de los 18 miembros de la Academia Sueca, fue galardonado con el Premio Nobel de Literatura por su obra. La vida y obra del Nobel Garcia Marquez ha sido reconocida publicamente en 1961 recibio el Premio Esso, en 1977, fue homenajeado en el XIII Congreso Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana en 1971, declarado "Doctor Honoris Causa" por la Universidad de Columbia, en Nueva York en 1972, obtuvo el Premio Romulo Gallegos por su obra "La Candida Erendira y su abuela desalmada". En 1981, el gobierno frances le concedio la condecoracion "Legion de Honor" en el grado de Gran Comendador.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez :: Spanish Essays
Nacio el 6 de marzo de 1928 en Aracataca, Columbia , en el hogar de Gabriel Eligio Garcia, telegrafista y de Luisa Santiaga Marquez Iguaran. Siendo muy nio fue dejado al cuidado de sus abuelos maternos, el Coronel Nicolas Marquez Iguaran -su idolo de toda la vida- y Tranquilina Iguaran Cortes. El reconoce que su madre es quien descubre los personajes de sus novelas a traves de sus recuerdos. Por haber vivido retirado al comienzo de su padre, le fue difcil tratarlo con confianza en la adolescencia "nunca me sentia seguro frente a el, no sabia como complacerlo. El epoch de una seriedad que yo confundia con la incomprension", dice Garcia Marquez. En 1936, cuando murio su abuelo, fue enviado a estudiar a Barranquilla. En 1940, viajo a Zipaquira, donde fue becado para estudiar bachillerato. "Alli, como no tena suficiente dinero para perder ni suficiente billar para ganar, preferia quedarme en el cuarto encerrado, leyendo", comenta el Nobel. En 1946 termino bachillerato. Al ao siguiente se matriculo en la Facultad de Ciencias Politicas de la Universidad Nacional y edito en diario "El Espectador" su cuento, "La primera designacion". En 1950, escribio una columna en el periodico "El Heraldo" de Barranquilla, bajo el seudnimo de Septimus y en 1952, publico el captulo inicial de "La Hojarasca", su primera novela en ese diario, en el que colaboro desde 1956. En 1958, se caso con Mercedes Barcha. Tienen dos hijos, Rodrigo y Gonzalo. Gabriel Garcia Marquez, quien esta radicado en Ciudad de Mexico desde 1975, en una vieja casona restaurada por el mismo, es amigo cercano de inportantes personalidades mundiales, lo fue de Omar Torrijos y conserva fuertes lazos con Fidel Castro, Carlos Andres Perez, Francois Miterrand, los presidentes de Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia y otros muchos. El 11 de diciembre de 1982, despues de que por votacion unanime de los 18 miembros de la Academia Sueca, fue galardonado con el Premio Nobel de Litera tura por su obra. La vida y obra del Nobel Garcia Marquez ha sido reconocida publicamente en 1961 recibio el Premio Esso, en 1977, fue homenajeado en el XIII Congreso Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana en 1971, declarado " quicken Honoris Causa" por la Universidad de Columbia, en Nueva York en 1972, obtuvo el Premio Romulo Gallegos por su obra "La Candida Erendira y su abuela desalmada". En 1981, el gobierno frances le concedio la condecoracion "Legion de Honor" en el grado de Gran Comendador.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Mechanical Engineering Career Paper
Mechanical EngineeringRobert MolinowskiVocollect703 Rodi Road, Pittsburgh, PA, 15235(412) 829-8145 Pd. 6/7 C atomic rate 18er Paper celestial latitude 15, 2011 Mechanical Engineering According to purported lowtaking practice session in the 12month, 2018, robotthe likes of design testament cede an estimated quarter of a million labors nationwide. This is an increase of roughly 6% between 2008 and 2018. As the need for better, more(prenominal) economical necessities, a need for mechanic take aims willing always be on the uplift. Many automatic engineers research, design, develop, manufacture, and test tools, engines, machines, and other machinelike devices. (Bureau, 4). This branch, within the applied science field, make passs to be the broadest category. Mechanical engineers ar percola decennium throughout all aspects of life, from agricultural carrefourion to maindecadeance of engines of cars and machines. With mechanic engineer, approximately people wil l be stati mavind in an self-assurance building/manufacturing facility. Others will have the benefit of traveling to job sites to check what their team needs to design for the particular company. A normal, typical mold calendar week would consist of operative a total of forty hours.This, however, would change if the company was on a tight time schedule to give way roughthing produced for soul. Only whence will the aver ripen mechanistic engineer work more than forty hours a week. We alike spend time working with engineers in manufacturing and design to final courting design iterations and harvest-tide fixes that can be make quickly and cheaply. (Camenson, 85). Mechanical engineering is, very(prenominal) very much a people-person job. (Camenson, 90). Everything written down in logbooks will be subject to engineer scrutiny, and that would weigh bad on the sources end.If robotic engineers were to write/draw something that could take different meanings, for example, an ink blot, this could cause a serious puff in how you go intimately your future in mechanical engineering. If the offense is serious enough, it could cost someone their job. This shows that you must be careful in how you go about your job in that you dont know whos going to square off your rough forces. Women, in the field of mechanical engineering are at a disadvantage when it comes to comparing men to women.Women are more content to gossiping in the office instead of working on their job. Patience is essential. You have to check most of your ego at the door when you walk into a meeting youve harbingered, besides retain enough leading skills to keep the meeting focused on its objectives. (Camenson, 90). This quote accurately describes one of the challenges that women have while working in this field. I can be a witness to this when I went on my job shadow. in that location were few females working and the ones that did would do little and chit-chat with one another for great lengths of time.When it comes to men, they dominate the field in that they outnumber women by a ratio of 31 (Bureau, 16). Men can be more communicative with one another during meetings as I witnessed also. Men, as I saw, were more scrutinizing during meetings but they were subtle about it. One thing of advice, Learn how to speak in front of a group. It doesnt case if the unaccompanied chance you get is public lecture to elevated schoolers about not drinking and driving- that counts, and probably more than giving a lecture on acoustics or materials technology. (Camenson, 94). To sum things up, working in the field of mechanical engineering is graduate(prenominal)ly competitive, be careful what you design, you dont know who could see it, and that women are at a disadvantage for various reasons when founding compared to men in the field. When it comes to mechanical engineering, a detailed rail line study of engineering and physics is necessary if you are to want to make it big in the field. For just about any field of engineering, especially mechanical, a bachelors degree in engineering is necessary. (Bureau, 6).Having flexibility in an engineers study chopine allows him/her to boast a wide variety of field of engineering for their resume. A design course is unremarkably the way to go but having a course study that included mathematics and the physical and life sciences would further benefit the engineer since theyll be a more defined engineer. (Bureau, 6). Many colleges whirl dickens or four year degree programs in engineering. For example, Penn State offers what they call a 2+2 program. The program lets the educatee do his undergraduate studies at any of the branch campuses throughout Pennsylvania for the commencement two years. by and by those two years, the student will consequently be admitted to the main campus in University Park to complete their graduate studies. The main difference between the set of two years is that for the bra nch two years, youll be doing your core courses as well as courses designed for your intended major. When you get to the main campus, thats where youll focus primarily on your specific field of engineering with other students from across the fall flat in. Businesses often look for college graduates who studied through a four year program instead of a two year. (Bureau, 6).Graduate training is essential if you were to want to earn promotions within a certain company. This training isnt required for most entry-level jobs. All fifty states and the govern of Columbia require that any engineer who offers their services to the public to have a license or they can be fined heavily for it. These licenses are reli equal to(p) for up to four years and must be renewed much like a drivers license. nearly states accept out of state licensees. (Bureau, 7). Engineers should be able to work well with others and communicate on a very high level, both orally and in writing.To stay up-to-date with the catamenia technologies, many companies and firms will send their engineers to training as part of the job duties. (Hutchinson, 4). An employment prospect for mechanical engineering graduates is the highest in any of the engineering fields. national agencies such as the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers have a large number of mechanical engineers on their staff. (Hutchinson, 4). Over the period of ten years, from 2008 to 2018, employment in the field of engineering is expected to increase roughly eleven. (Hutchinson, 5).This is impregnable for me in that I will be entering the field within the next ten years, hopefully. With the high demand for new and improved products, the mechanical engineering career wont see a downfall for quite some time. There is, however, a minor setback in the globalization of engineering. That is, With the rise of the meshing, it has become much easier for firms to use mechanical engineers in other parts of the humans to do a lot of the engin eering work that once done solely by mechanical engineers in this country. (Hutchinson, 5). This could prove to be a major setback if I would want to work overseas someday.This is something that comes up with just about any profession that I would want to work in. The mechanical engineering field, I know for a fact, took a to a great extent hit during the recent recession. I found this information out from the use of my job shadow. Mechanical engineers are one of the top paid occupations for out-of-college graduates. Starting salaries for a beginning mechanical engineer career will queue up salaries in the mid-range of engineering salaries according to 2009 data provided by the National Association of Colleges and Employers. (Hutchinson, 5).This kind of a salary is tremendous when compared to other occupations just within engineering itself. With the kind of salary Ill be making when I become a mechanical engineer, Ill be able to pay off most of my student loans well before my g oal, which is by age thirty. Earnings for engineers vary significantly by specialty, industry, and education. With mechanical engineering having the highest salary in the lowest 10% of the job corps. (Bureau, 13). Having a higher degree, such as a Masters instead of a Bachelors will give you an edge in how youre paid.Obtaining that higher degree ensures that you have a vast amount of money of acquaintance in that specific field of knowledge. Before the invention of the computer, every design was drawn up by turn and took a much longer amount of time to complete. A vast knowledge in art wouldve been necessary to draw something as elaborate as a headset, for example. When the computer began making its march across the technological community, mechanical engineers went crazy because, they could now do their draft copys on the computer instead of drawing it by hand. at a time that they had their computers to work on, it was a matter of time before programs began surfacing that woul d further benefit a mechanical engineer and his drawings. With the invention of the three-dimensional printer, mechanical engineers can now draw their product on the computer program, then take that drawing and have it printed out in 3D to see what it would look like in reality. The 3D printer is good in that you can print out a small scale version of the product and see if itll be good enough to withstand various interrogatory. I guess we owe it to Steve argumentations and Mike Wozniak for inventing the first computer.Without them, mechanical engineers might clam up be doing drawings by hand. Mechanical Engineers work closely with several other engineering disciplines such as civil engineering, electrical engineering, and aerospace engineering. (Hutchinson, 6). This just goes to show how closely related the fields of engineering truly are. In fact, all of the fields of engineering are connected to one another in one way shape or form. When it comes to the auto industry, mechani cal engineers work closely with automotive engineers. (Hutchinson, 6). This shows that mechanical engineers work in all different kinds of environments. Other related professions include aerospace engineering, aeronautical engineering, engineering technicians, computer scientists, physicists and astronomers. (Hutchinson, 6). This final quote resembles the fact that mechanical engineers work with a wide variety of other professions. It is that a mechanical engineer is a region that keeps a wide variety of occupations running at tip-top shape. Works Cited Works Cited Bureau of Labor Statistics, U. S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2010-11 Edition, Engineers, on the Internet at http//www. bls. gov/oco/ocos027. htm (visited September 21,2011) Camenson, Blythe.Real People workings in Engineering. Lincolnwood, IL VGM Career Horizons, 1998. Print. Hutchinson, Jonathon. Mechanical Engineering Job Outlook custom and Salary Information. Job Outlook Employment and Sa lary. Online Degrees, 2006. Web. 23 Sept. 2011. http//www. onlinedegrees. org/calculator/salary/mechanical-engineers Job Shadowing Job Shadowing I arrived at Vocollect Industries off of Rodi Road in Penn Hills a little later eight in the morning. I was greeted warmly by the man whom I shadowed, Mr. Molinowski. He showed me almost his specific floor of which he working on in Vocollect.He ushered me into his office and began discussing what he had planned out for toady. He overviewed what he did within the company itself. He designs products for customers from anything from a microphone to a computer. This could only be possible by the works of a computer program called, Pro-Engineer. Pro-E, as engineers call it, can turn any two-dimensional drawing into a three-dimensional drawing were the designer can be as detailed with the drawing as he wants to. In this industry, its bad if thither is little detail so, lots of detail is key to producing the best product. by and by the overview of his job and the days events, Robert then showed me around the labs they use to test the fairness of their products, not as a whole, but or else is little individual parts. There were many labs of which I got to personally see myself. Most of the labs had computer simulations of testing the integrity of the product in various ways. For example, the product of which was being tested was their new edition of a headset and a terminus electrical power station. This headset and terminal combination is going to be used in the manufacturing industry over in China.The different labs tested for how long a certain feature of either the headset or terminal would function properly for before it failed (broke). Other labs included applying extreme heat and cold onto the parts. The lab that caught my eye the most was the one that counted the number of times until a cord thats connected to the terminal broke through the wide cord. When I first saw the count, in the morning, it was a perfe ct 31,586. I asked if I could check it again before I odd and when I checked it for the second time in the afternoon, the count was up to 123,874.I asked Mr. Molinowski if the second number was high because, I would turn over that the second count wouldnt demise much longer before it broke. He answered that this test usually goes up in glut of half a million times before it breaks apart. They do the tests to simulate the usage on the part for a flipper year period. This reminded me of when I learned of the various tests a car goes through before it hits the road. The test has to simulate the entire life of a car, much like they were testing for the entire life of the specific part of the headset or the terminal.After we toured all throughout the labs, we settled back in his office so he could show me his Pro-E drawings he had for the headset. just aboutone other than him was in charge of drawing the terminal. I asked him how long it took him to make such a detailed sk and so o n of the headset. He said that this design took him a little over two hundred days to complete because he had to design all the small components that make up the headset, then he had to assemble them all together. By this time it was now time for a brief meeting about the upcoming month of December with the customer before the big, weekly, two-hour long meeting.The brief meeting was only a half hour but, a lot of stuff was said and discussed. They had the customer on the phone so he could put in his voice in the meeting. In this meeting, something major was brought up. Since, in Chinese culture, they give the entire country the last two weeks of our American calendar year off for the Chinese New Years, a time constraint was evident because nothing would be able to get done from December 23-January 1. What made matters worse is that the customer would be out of his office three days earlier, December 20.Thus essentially putt the project on hold until the New Year. With only twenty-se ven days remaining until the customer shuts down for the year, things at Vollect will be very hectic. Now it was time for the long meeting, which I was already warned of at the beginning of the day. I was introduced and welcomed warmly by Bobs fellow employees. Bob and his boss, Rich, accedeed to the other designers on the project design team. For two hours, they deliberated over how they could improve on the present drawing by going over every square inch of the drawing. After the meeting it was time for lunch.After we got back from lunch, Bob let me try out the Pro-E program on his computer. With my knowledge of the program from my CAD class, Pro-E came naturally to me. I told him about how in the CAD class we are designing a model replica of the old Civic Arena. He asked if I had any drawings made in Pro-E and I said, No. Just a program called AutoCAD. He offered his assistance and we both began working on a design for the Civic Arena. It wasnt difficult for him to design it si nce hes had so much experience with the program and thats pretty much all he does most of the day.The only part that proved to be difficult was that every five minutes or so the program would crash without us saving the drawing. We learned that after the fifth time of crashing that we should start saving our drawing after every little thing we do. After roughly two and a half hours of messing around with the program and drawing, we had ourselves a not-to-scale model of the Civic Arena. This helped me out greatly because now I can take what I learned from Bob about the Pro-E program back to the CAD class and draw up the scale model of the Civic Arena. Interview Q&A Interview Q&A 1.What influenced you to become a mechanical engineer? What influenced me the most was that I wanted to be a guy who designs things for people and I could go to the store and say that, I designed that 2. Was mechanical engineering your first pickax as a major or was it a second option? Mechanical engineeri ng was, in fact, my first choice of major. Right from my junior year in high school I was destined to be a mechanical engineer. 3. What sub-topic of mechanical engineering do you privilege the most? Why? I like all details of my job. I specifically like when I can put all the components of a product together in the Pro-E program. . What can a person like you contribute to a company such as Vocollect? I am pretty much the person who puts all of the parts together so the company and the customer can view what they want. I pretty much make the final drawing of the product and my boss puts his input in and I make changes. The final drawing then gets sent to the customer for approval and then we manufacture the product. So I am a pretty big factor in the company. 5. How would you approach a problem/set back that this field would present to you? Most of the problems that I have are with the computer program.It will always crash and close before I get the chance to save my work. I call te ch support but whatever they do never works. Another problem that I whitethorn encounter would be when my co-workers/boss have revisions for a certain part of a product drawing. We have a meeting specifically for this. We go through every square inch of the drawing and everyone says what they think theyd do to improve on the drawing. I take notes on their improvements and then after the meetings I go back to my office and revise the drawing to suit their needs. 6. Is this your ideal/dream job? If not, what would it be?My ideal/dream job would have to be the president of the United States. I always wanted to have such immense power. I wanted to become president until I found out that they dont get paid an all in all large amount of money. And that my public speaking skills arent that great so, I would not do well in getting the American people to balloting for me. The job I have now is my true job. Its where I am destined to be, in my opinion. Ive come to know some authentically gr eat people from working at Vocollect. 7. What are your short-term and long-term goals as an employee of Vocollect?My short-term goals is hoping that the Chinese company were designing this headset for will be blissful with the design. Once they approve of the drawings, itll feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Ive been working on this project for almost a year now. Its sort of a bittersweet moment that the project is almost over, in my area of expertise. As for any long-term goals, I have no(prenominal) yet at the moment. When I get my next design project, my goal will to get the designs done within the given amount of time. 8. Where do you see yourself in five years time?In five years, I see myself sitting in this same seat. I have no plans for pitiable up in the company ladder. Im perfectly content with where Im at now. 9. If you were needed to relocate across the country, Oregon, would you accept the offer? Why or why not? Even though this hasnt been a somethin g on my mind, yet (knock on wood), I trust that I would not take the opportunity for the fact that I would have to give up my friends and family for my job. You can always find another job, but you cant find another best friend. Even if it was for a significant increase in my pay, I would not take the offer. 10.How did your schooling in college prepare you to be a mechanical engineer for Vocollect? My schooling prepared me immensely for my involvement at Vocollect industries. I took two years of undergrad work at the University of Pennsylvania. I then moved up to the main campus of the school to complete my work to earn my bachelor of engineering degree. I am now in pursuit of gaining my master in order to receive to a bonus in my paycheck. With the amount of schooling I have, I am fairly confident that Ill be able to do wondrous things for Vocollect. 11. What comes to mind when you think of the word, success?When I think of success, I think of myself being content with my life, i. e. health, financial, etc. Success also means that Im happy with where Im at in life. Im very healthy, Im financially stable, I have friends who love me dearly. I think that Im pretty successful in my life, according to my definition. Im sure if you ask anyone else, they would give you a completely different answer. 12. What kind of outside experiences aided to your success in mechanical engineering? Theres only one historied outside experience that has aided to my success and thats how I handle with criticism from my co-workers.I slowly came to accepting their criticism after my first project with Vocollect. 13. If you werent a mechanical engineer, what other profession would you seek? Why? If I wasnt a mechanical engineer, I would want to be someone who would work for PennDOT, and that would be a civil engineer. I would want to work for PennDOT mainly because they make so much money and Im a guy who likes to have money. 14. What would you consider to be your most influential acc omplishment? My most influential accomplishment would have to be the day of which I gradatory from college.This was a big day for me in that I came to the realization that I can now become a true mechanical engineer. All of my hard work and hours of study has finally paid off. 15. What positions within Vocollect are you hoping to reach or are you content with the position that youre at now? With the current position I am at now, I am happy with where Im at. I dont see myself progressing up the job title chart. If I was to get a promotion, I would have to move to a different part of the office and have to leave my friends who Ive large(p) within the company.I dont think Im ready for that kind of a change yet. 16. What would be some adjectives that would describe you? Some adjectives to describe me would be creative, innovative, accepting, and courageous. I think of myself as creative because I have to be able to compile a three-dimensional drawing to present to my bosses. Im innova tive in that I can take an existing product on the market and make changes to it to make it better. Im accepting in that I can accept peoples (my bosses) criticism and not get overly worked about it.I think of myself as being courageous in that I can take leaps of faith in my drawings depending on the product were designing, Ill try to implement some of my own ideas into the drawing. 17. When on the job hunt, what kind of factors played a role in selecting the right company? In making my decision to work at Vocollect, I thought of mainly two deciding factors. The first one being the amount of money that Ill be making on an yearbook basis. I used this factor because I dont want to be working an insane amount of hours and not getting paid liberally for it.With Vocollect, Im able to make enough money to support myself and I can still have some extra money to do whatever I want to. The other factor in choosing Vocollect was close proximity to my house. Vocollect is less than fifteen mi nutes from my house. This makes it easy on me for when it comes to fueling my car. This helped very much during the recession a few years back. I saved loads of money just by having only a less than ten mile commute to work. 18. Have you had any previous jobs before this one? If so, what was/were it/they and what made you leave that job?Before finally settling down at working with Vocollect, I worked at Kennywood Park to help me pay my way through college. I left my duties at Kennywood to pursue my career as a mechanical engineer. Working at Kennywood helped me in that how I deal with working with a group of people to do a common job. 19. What was your least favourite and favorite subject(s) while in school? Why? My favorite subject while going through school would have to be my hi myth classes. I liked history because, if it wasnt for the past, we wouldnt be here in the present. We need the past to occur, both mistakes and heroics, which shaped our present.My least favorite subjec t during my high school career would have to be my math classes. I never liked working with variables and problems that took more than ten minutes to do or an entire page to do. I also didnt like my English classes. It was a difficulty for me to understand what I was reading for just about every story we read. 20. What went into your decision making process when prompted the question, What do you want to be when you grow up? When I first heard of this question, when I was 10, I wanted to be a professional baseball player since I played baseball.As I grew up it slowly developed to working with machines. Then, finally, it became that I wanted to be an engineer. I went after the fact that I wanted to be a mechanical engineer to find a job to get me through high school and college. I was lucky enough to land me a job at Kennywood Park my junior year in high school. I worked in that respect through the rest of high school and throughout my four years of college. Lucky for me, working a t Kennywood helped me in judgment how a complex machine, such as a roller coaster, works and functions under such intense forces. 21.What role does technology play in mechanical engineering? Technology plays an classic role in mechanical engineering for various reasons. For what I do, without the use of technology, I would have to draw all of my designs by hand which would be a pain in the backside because my art skills arent that great and no one would be able to understand what I draw. With technology, Im able to take my three-dimensional drawing in the Pro-E program and take it down to a three-dimensional printer and create a prototype of the product to see my drawing in reality instead of through a computer screen.Ill admit that there are times that I wish I would free-hand my drawings instead of on the computer (whenever the program crashes). And there are times were I just lose track of time by drawing on the computer. Conclusion Conclusion With the combination of job shadow ing and researching what goes on in the mechanical engineering field, I can say that I am glad with what I will be able to do in my near future. After job shadowing a true mechanical engineer to get a feel of what I will be doing, I can honestly say that I can see myself being a mechanical engineer.After doing much intensive research, my amount of salary on an annual basis will be sufficient in repaying my student loans before I turn thirty, my primary objective once I get out of college. I feel that being a mechanical engineer could be in reality interesting since I get to render two-dimensional objects and envision them in the third-dimension. I did, believe it or not, think about a different job, but Im hoping I dont have to go to that resort. I only thought about this for a roughly short amount of time. I thought about how I could possibly be a structural engineer.This, I think, will act as my fallback option in case if I dont make in the mechanical engineering field. At first , I wanted to be a structural engineer, believe it or not, but then I did some of my own separate research and found out that there arent too many job theorys that are within fifty miles of Pittsburgh. Then, with that job plan on the back burner, I decided that I wanted to be the next best thing, a mechanical engineer. As I did some of my own research about mechanical engineering to find that there are several job openings that are within a twenty mile radius of the city of Pittsburgh.After doing this research, I immediately turned my attention to becoming a mechanical engineer and seeing which colleges would offer me the opportunity to get a degree in mechanical engineering. I feel that I could provide the mechanical engineering foundation with great knowledge of usage of technology that goes into mechanical engineering. ? Career Plan Career Plan Starting with right after graduation, my parents and family are rewarding my twelve years of hard work by accompanying me on a trip to Disney in Orlando, Florida. When I get back home, I will be on the job hunt to hopefully pay for some of my college tuition.During the summer, I hope to find an internship at some company that would further enhance my knowledge of mechanical engineering even before I go to college. Some obstacles that will probably keep my ego down would be the fact that I get bored too easily with one thing. I will have to overcome this obstacle if I want to become a mechanical engineer since most of their day involves someone sitting at a computer all day. I hope that this weakness of mine wont play a negative role in my future. For example, I wouldnt want my short attention span to make me change my choice of a major because I got bored with what I was doing.If it happens, it happens. You cant mess around with what fate has to say about your life choices. I think the most training I would get to become a mechanical engineer would be from a college of engineering. Since that school would specifica lly be focused on engineering. After this said training in college, I hope to be able to jump right into a job that will have a good salary. As long as Im a mechanical engineer, it doesnt matter what the pay is. What matters is that Ill be satisfied with myself of where I came so far.I also hope that with a modest salary, Ill hopefully be able to pay off any student loans of which I may acquire during my time in college. In conclusion, Ill be happy with whatever company I work for as long as Im long as I get to do something that involves mechanical engineering. Article A Summary Patrick Rogers article, Vertical Leap is an interesting article about the evolution of mechanical engineering through an example that is used in our everyday lives, an rise. The elevator as we know today wasnt invented until 1852 by an Elisha carve Otis.Todays elevators now come in all sizes and shapes to suit our everyday needs, to give a perspective as to where this engineering feat has gone(p) in the p ast 150 years. The whole idea of a skyscraper is linked to the elevator itself because, no one would want to climb up fifty flights of stairs to get to their offices day in and day out. Elevators have been used upon many occasions by many notable monarchs over the course of history. For example, Louis XV had an elevator constructed at his palace in Versailles to whisk him around to all sorts of the castle because the castle was of enormous size.As the evolution of machines progressed, the use of muscle power was being drawn out after being used since the Industrial Revolution. Otis displayed the elevator invention to the world at Americas first worlds fair in New York in 1854. Everyone who saw the exhibit was in awe of its sleek design. The invention of the elevator almost didnt happen because, Otis was in financial ruins and thought about leaving New York to go west to the Gold Rush in hopes that he would get loaded off that. Otis exhibit displayed him on the platform of one of hi s go-driven hoist and slowly began to rise above the crowd, awing them all.When Otis died in 1861, he left his heirs in financial debt but, he left his schematics of an elevator that was constructed so that if the rope breaks from the platform, it cannot freefall to the ground. A new man to the scene by the name of, Otis Tufts (no notification to previous Otis), developed upon Otis previous ideas to create an elevator that was roomy enough to carry up to a dozen guests. Reliable steam lifts presently adorned the lobbies of hotels throughout much of the U. S. and thus, the elevator had become a new material item in which business-owners could employ in their stores to move people throughout their store more efficiently.It wasnt until 1870 that the thought of a silent elevator had begun to surface. Prior to 1870, elevators were powered by large steam pistons and pulleys which were loud and annoying for tenants of apartments of lived on the lower levels of the building. Especially d ramatic was the transformations of major cities throughout the country. Many cities began construction on skyscrapers, capable of using elevators. The construction of the Otis elevator can still be viewed, not in a building, but in a home in North Carolina. This shows that Otis designs were able to withstand the test of time.In the 1800s, the thought of using panoramic views as a mean of romance wasnt thought of. The Golden Age of elevators didnt occur until the 20th century, when the world was beginning to look ahead to the future. In 1903, Otis introduced a gearless traction elevator, a quantum leap for the time. With this new elevator contraption, the secret to building true skyscrapers was defined, by eliminating the need for the cumbersome winding drums. During the Jazz Age, elevator design seemed to pulsate with the energy of the time period.The next big improvement of the elevator came when people count on out how to manage the flow of people on and off of elevators. These p eople, known as operators, became a popular breed of people. Improvements in technology of the elevator came during gentleman War II by a team of Otis aiding Westinghouse, Cmp. Otis work could be compared to that of Henry Ford in the automobile industry. Every so often, Otis et al would try and come up with ways to improve on the previous design of the elevator. Sort of like how Apple does with their iOS devices.Today, cranes hoist the alloy gears into place and construction workers assemble the shaft on the job site. The cost of a full elevator system could run you about in excess of fifteen million dollars. Article B Summary James Lissaints article, entitled, Mechanical Engineering and Why We Need It encompasses the true value of mecahnical engineering and the improvement of the field. He also describes how the field will be able to grow in the future, as long as there is an interest for it. Mechanical engineering, when talking about it, is a very broad topic. There are many su bdivisions within the field itself.Mecahnical engineering is vital in the construction of large structures (i. e. skyscrapers, bridges, etc. ) as well as new-age gadgets. This form of engineering can be dated back to ancient Greek, with their invention of the steam engine. It came to the center of discussion and new society during the Industrial Revolution. Since its beginning, this field has undergone numerous enhancements thanks in part to the advancements in modern technology. With the help of high school physics, a small understanding of mechanical engineering basics will be known in the form of kinematics and mechanics.Mechanical engineering looks at engines in several different, yet efficient, ways. For starters, the steam engine helped to develop the world into a modern society. The idea that the steam engine could be used in motor vehicles really helped the development of tape transport systems. Since then, a wide variety of engines have been produced, with diesel and petr ol being the most common forms of an engine. Its essential to know that mechanical engineering is a very broad field with many different subfields that interconnect with one another.Modern society has progressed with topics such as robotics, thermodynamics, and kinematics. The most technical field of mechanical engineering is robotics. These robots, neither human nor animals, are used in a number of practical applications throughout the manufacturingn industry. Lots of companies look for the involvemnt of robots to aide in their congregation line to quicken their production speed to gain a higher profit. Mechanical engineering plays a major role in how, and if, the robot will be able to function properly. June 24, 2016Sean Robertson Engineer Aerotek CE 15200 Santa Fe Trail Drive, Suite 100 Lenexa, KS, 66219 Dear Mr. Robertson, Having done an internship for your company for the past two years, I believe that my involvement in your company would be a positive thing. Once I heard that there would be a job opening at the time of my completion of my internship, I immediately started to think out my options for the future. With my internship nearly complete, it is time that I look for a full-time job and this was the first company I thought of working for.Through my schooling at Temple University, I feel that I would be an excellent addition to Aerotek as an engineer. Temple was able to provide me with the necessary knowledge to further my interest in engineering. With a big-name company like Aerotek, I thought it would be rather fascinating to work for your company. And with my experience with all the design programs, I believe I could be a key asset for Aeroteks future in the engineering world. I believe that I would be the best fit for the position because when I was young I knew that I wanted to be a structural engineer. I was destined to be one, per say.While I was in high school, I worked for Kennywood Park in West Mifflin, Pennsylvania as a ride operator. My duties included making sure the parks several roller coasters were structurally safe for the days Anschluss of people and forces being applied to it. A major accomplishment of mine would be that in my entire two years of working there, none of the rides I inspected the morning before the park opened, never broke down. This won me an award known as the Most Reliable Worker. I won this both years I worked there. I would be joyous if I was selected to hold this position at Aerotek.The best time frame to reach me for a personal interview is when Im off for spend break, December 12 thru January 6. I hope that well be meeting in the near future. Sincerely, Objective A mechanical engineer were my experience in three-D CAD, GD&T design, and a solid edge modeling experience would be sufficiently tested. Strengths * Excellent use of a three-dimensional CAD. * Ability to work under strict time constraints * Ability to work in Excel to provide accurate budgets for each project * Works more e fficiently under stressful conditions Ability to keep up with improvements in technology in the ever-growing field Honors * Product launch newer headset for manufacturing industry * Article publication Engineers of Today * risque honors, Penn State University School of engineering * Internship Vocollect industries Employment Internship Mechanical Engineering, 2012-Present Vocollect Industries, Penn Hills, Pennsylvania. Aided in drafting various products for customers around the world. Gave in my words of advice during meetings about each product drawing. Brought more business to the company by my propaganda skills. Ride Operator 2009-2012Kennywood Park, West Mifflin, Pennsylvania- observed and repaired roller coaster and thrill rides throughout the park on a periodic basis from early May to late September working at least 10-hour shifts daily during the summer months. Rides were at peak performance whenever I was on the clock. Education June 2016 School of Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, State College, Pennsylvania B. A. in Mechanical Engineering Specialization 3D CAD program Bibliography Bibliography Aerotek. Advertisement. Structural Engineer Job in Overland Park. Aertek. Monster. com, 31 Aug. 2011.Web. 21 Sept. 2011. . Bureau of Labor Statistics, U. S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2010-11 Edition, Engineers, on the Internet at http//www. bls. gov/oco/ocos027. htm (visited September 21,2011) Camenson, Blythe. Real People Working in Engineering. Lincolnwood, IL VGM Career Horizons, 1998. Print. Dick, Chris J. Job Shadowing. Personal interview. 23 Nov. 2011. Hutchinson, Jonathon. Mechanical Engineering Job Outlook Employment and Salary Information. Job Outlook Employment and Salary.Online Degrees, 2006. Web. 23 Sept. 2011. http//www. onlinedegrees. org/calculator/salary/mechanical-engineers Lissaint, James. Mechanical Engineering and Why We Need It. gEzine Articles, 2011. Web. 4 Nov. 2011. . Rogers, Patrick. Vertical Leap. Preservation. May/June 1998 52-61. SIRS Renaissance. Web. 23 Sept. 2011. Vocollect. Advertisement. Mechanical Engineer-Design Engineer-Engineer. Monster. com, 21 Sept. 2011. Web. 21 Sept. 2011. .
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Netsuite customer relationship management for the Banking Sector Essay
NetSuite is the worlds leading provider of on-demand handicraft application software combining accounting and enterprise pick planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM) andecommerce capabilities in a completely integrated solution.With over 12,000 customers globally, NetSuite companies are enabled to manage all key business operations uniting departments, automating processes and gaining unparalleled insight into their business.Netsuite is built around a single customer record, so all areas of the business sales, support, accounting, distribution, shipping and billing, use the same study for every interaction. Because NetSuite gives vital business intelligence in real time, businesses can make informed decisions red-hot.Deliver better business management powerful real-time, customisable dashboards, NetSuite business management software gives managers and employees the functionality, information and tools they need to manage their entire business better and streamline operations. Eliminate data re-entry because NetSuite software is built on a single record for every aspect of business, theres no need to waste time re-inputting data into separate systems.Eliminate IT maintenance and prove costs NetSuite is cloud-based, business management software with a 99.5% uptime guarantee. This gives greater reliability and security while eliminating the need for on-site hardware and software. Make better decisions faster NetSuite business management software gives real-time business intelligence dashboards for any and every aspect of the organisation from leads, commissions, sales revenue and forecasts to bank balances, receivable and due anywhere and anytime. Increase collaboration NetSuite SaaS offers portals that allow customers, partners and vendors to collaborate allowing organisations to get closer to customers and partners, move quickly and seize opportunities.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Malcomes final speech Essay
In Malcomes final speech he describes gentlewoman Macbeth as a fiend like fay. Explain how far you think this description of her is justifiedLady Macbeth is a real essential character to the play. She is singly responsible for the most tragedy and conclusion throughout the play. She is very responsible because she is the one who talks to and persuades Macbeth. But she spate non be purely visitn as an annoyance influence for she is a much to a greater extent multifactorial character then adult maley would think.We first externalise Lady Macbeth in act one, scene five when she is reading the letter that Macbeth sent her. When reading the letter, she reads it in an innocent ladylike voice that we realise out not see much of until later on in the script. As she calmly reads the letter you can see her slowly spiralling towards the more evil sinister commission.The letter is read as if he was writing it to his De arest partner of greatness. He treats her with a nap of respect as if she is an equal. This would seem to be very awkward to an audience in the Shakespearean era for women were seen to be inferior to men. She decides on Macbeths behalf that they are to kill the King Duncan, without Macbeths approval.The only problem is that she thinks that Macbeth is too full of th milk of human kindness to draw in such an evil task. She then thinks that she had the ability to alter Macbeths mind like an evil conscience. This makes her more evil than seen so far for she is seen as an evil presence. Lady Macbeth feels that in order to commit the murderous task herself she bequeath need to look for help of evil ghosts and spirits to take her body and do the dirty deeds for her. She suggests strong sentences to mend her and turn her evil.Come to my womens breastsAnd take my milk for gall.In Shakespeares time the average person in the audience still believed in witches, evil sprits, potions and evil presences, so they would be scared as if it were real. The au dience will also look at her in a very strange, different way for she is willing to give up all her femininity for a natural evil. She continues to make obscene comments to colliery.Come thick night and pull theIn the dunnest smokes of hell.She says this because she wants not to be discovered for it will cost her life if she was discovered.For a stage production I would start with her sitting in darkness on a chair alone with the spot light on her. She would wear a white dress to promote her innocence. The background music would be slow, low and suave in a solitary tune. As she starts to ponder evil thoughts, I would slowly creep up in tempo and make all the notes more sinister. She would get up and keep her head down as she wanders around the stage reading the letter.As soon as she finishes reading the letter she will raise her head and start to whisper her lines to the audience making eye contact. The lights would be dim as she goes from side to side on the stage. She will get l ouder and louder until the servant walks in and after he leaves she will continue walking from side to side getting louder and louder until her husband enters and a red light will fade in as she explains the plot to Macbeth.The second time we see her is when she is at dinner acting sweet and innocent when at heart she is only evil and filled with hate and gall. Duncan ironically and innocently speaks of sweet and good air which has a ironic relationship to Lady Macbeths earlier quoteThe dunnest smokes of hellin the last scene.In Act 1, Scene 7 we see Lady Macbeth for the third time. She is alone in the bedroom with Macbeth discussing their hidden sinister visualize to kill king Duncan and steal his throne. In this scene we can see again how much influence on Macbeth, Lady Macbeth has. Macbeth decides that he wishes not to cover in this evil scheme any further, but once again Lady Macbeth bends and twists Macbeths mind to see the opportinity the way she does. An audience would aga in be surprised to see a women taking more or less complete control over Macbeth. Her character would seem very masculine and the spring over Macbeth would seem to be some sort of witchs spell, again making her seem more evil than she really is.It would not be surprising to see lady Macbeth fall to even lower levels of murder and in justice for all her goodness and innocence has been completely corrupted by greed, therefore making her nothing more than a victim to her inner evil. Macbeth stands for shining goodness in that moment that he refuses to commit this disruption of the power structure for it would not only be a murderous crime, it would also mean that he has turned his back on his God, for the king was seen to be Gods representative on earth. Lady Macbeth uses blackmail to get him to obey her. She starts to accuse him of not loving her and not acting like a real man treats his wife. This is ironic, for she does not treat him as a real husband, but none the less she gets he r way through these obscene accusations of him being a cowardAnd live a coward in thine own esteemThe last time we see Lady Macbeth is in Act 5 Scene 1, after all planned has successfully happened. In this scene we can see how the aftermath of the killings has actually affected lady Macbeth. The scene begins with lady Macbeth being analysed by a doctor and his determination is that she is suffering mentally. Lady Macbeth is mentally scared and is sleepwalking in anguish. Lady Macbeth is constantantly rubbing and washing this certain spot in her palm because she (and only she) can see a red damned spot of blood. She is conveying images of the murder and she is speaking of the killing of an old(a) man ( King Duncan ).Who would have thought the oldman had so much blood in himThrough sleep walking and being nervous we can see that Lady Macbeth does have a conscious and is liable to greed instead of being this evil monster which the audience has all seen before. The audience for the fi rst time would start to understand and see that all the evil within her was evil spirits and the greed assigned to every human being. In this last scene with her, as she fall asunder we can see all her greed and wickedness being stripped from her just leaving her an image of pure, innocent nestling like women. As Lady Macbeth becomes mentality ill and losses all her influence and greed it is as if Macbeth and his wife have swooped feelings and brains. Her obsession with a damned spot of blood which she cannot need from her hand contrasts with her attitude to the blood after Duncans murder, when she saysA little water cleans us of this deedThe way an actress would perform this scene would be very different from the way she would act in Act 1 Scene. Her face would be pale and without make-up, and she would wear a white nightdress to suggest go along to a vulnerable childlike state. Her voice would be frail and trembling, and some lines, such asThe Thane of Fife had a wifewould be spoken like child reciting a nursery rhyme.Referring back to the title question, I think that Lady Macbeth cannot be fully justified as a Fiend for she is a commonplace women who is corrupted by greed and I am sure that many people in the same situation would be very tempted to do something similar.
Friday, May 24, 2019
The Hunters: Phantom Chapter 22
Elena couldnt breathe. She could vaguely feel her mouth opening and closing, but she found she wasnt up to(p) to say anything. Her hands and feet had gone numb. Damon gave her an just about shy smile which was funny, because Damon didnt do shy and shrugged. Wel , princess? You wanted me to be here with you, didnt you?As if a spoilber band place her back had snapped, Elena leaped out of bed and hurtled into Damons arms. atomic number 18 you real? she said, half sobbing. Is this real? She kissed him fiercely, and he met her kiss with equal fervor. He felt real, cool skin and leather, the surprising softness of his lips familiar under hers.hither I am, he murmured into her hair as he pul ed her close to him. Its real, I promise you.Elena stepped back and smacked him operose across the face. Damon glared at her and reached up to rub his cheek. Ouch, he said, and thus cracked a narrow, irritating smile. I cant say that was completely unexpected I get slapped by women more than than often than youd turn over possible but non a nice welcome for the long-lost love, sweetheart.How could you? Elena said, dry-eyed now and furious.How could you, Damon? Weve al been mourning you. Stefans fal ing apart. Bonnie blames herself. I I A division of my heart died. How long have you been watching us? Didnt you care? Was this al some kind of joke to you?Did you laugh when we cried?Damon winced. Darling, he said. My princess. Arent you glad to see me at al ?Of course I am said Elena indignantly. She took a breath and cooled d induce a little. But, Damon, what were you thinking? We al thought you were dead Permanently dead, not show-up-in-my-bedroom-a-few-days-laterlooking-perfectly-healthy dead Whats going on? Did the Guardians do this? They told me they couldnt when I begged them to, that death is permanent for a lamia once it happens.Damon graced her with a genuine, laughing smile. Wel , you of al people ought to fuck that death isnt always permanent.Elena shrugged and wrapped her arms around herself.They told me that when I came back, it was different, she said in a smal office, her emotions zigzagging al over the place. Because youre in shock, a tiny voice at the back of her head said freshly. Mystical stuff, you know. My time wasnt up. Hey She poked him with one finger, perking up.Are you human now? I was human when I returned.Damon gave a long, delegacy shudder. God forbid. I had enough of that when that meddling kitsune made me a mortal. Thank heaven or whoever I dont have to go looking for an obliging vampire princess to turn me back this time. He grinned slyly at Elena. Im as bloodsucking as ever, darling. He eyed her neck. Speaking of which, Im rather hungryElena smacked him again, though more gently this time.Knock it off, Damon.Can I sit down now? Damon asked and, when she nodded, settled himself on the foot of her bed and drew her down to sit beside him. Elena looked searchingly into his eyes, therefore gently traced her han d over his sharp cheekbones, his sculpted mouth, his soft raven hair.You were dead, Damon, she said quietly. I know it. I saw you die.Yes, he said, and sighed. I felt myself die. It was horribly painful and it seemed to both go on forever and be over in a few moments. He shuddered. There was a little bit left of me level off then though Elena nodded and Stefan told me, told him, to fly away. And you held him held me and told me to close my eyes. And then that last little bit of me was gone, too, and even the pain was gone. And then I came back. Damons dark eyes were wide with remembered wonder.But how? asked Elena.Remember the star bal ?How could I forget? It was the root of al our problems with the kitsune. It was vaporized when I Oh, Damon, I utilize my Wings of remnant on the tree on the Nether Worlds slug. But they destroyed the kitsunes star bal , too, and I had to go to the Guardians to save Fel s Church. The Wings of Destruction were like nothing Ive ever seen or felt before. She shivered.Ive seen what you did to that moon, Damon said, smiling slightly. Would it make you feel better, my lovely angel, if you knew that using your Powers like that and destroying the star bal is what saved me?Dont cal me that, said Elena, scowling. The Guardians were the ambient thing she had ever seen to real angels, and she did not have fond memories of them. How did it save you?Do they explain how condensation works in modern schools? Damon asked with the supercilious pattern he always wore when he teasingly criticized her world in comparison to the one he had grown up in. Is it al sex education, empathy, and second-rate novels now, or do they stil tel the children a little about science? I know theyve dropped Latin and Greek in favor of theater and consciousness-raising. His voice dripped with contempt. Elena told herself not to resurrect to his bait. Instead she folded her hands neatly in front of her in her lap. I think you may be a few decades out-of-date. But please, O wise one, she said, assume that my education didnt include the connection between condensation and rising from the dead, and enlighten me.Nice. Damon smirked. I like to see a young woman who is deferent of her elders and betters. Elena cocked an eyebrow at him warningly. Anyway, he continued, the liquid in the star bal , the pure magic, didnt vanish. Its not that easy to get rid of real y strong magic. As the atmosphere cooled, the magic turned from vapor back into liquid and fel down on me, with the rain of alter. I was soaking in pure Power for hours, in small stages y being reborn.Elenas mouth dropped open. Those sneaks, she said indignantly. The Guardians told me you were gone for good, and they took al the treasures we bribed them with, too. She thought briefly of the one last treasure she stil had, a water bottle ful of the piddle of Eternal Youth, hidden high up on the shelf in her closet, and pushed the thought away. She couldnt even acknowledge that hidden treasure to herself for more than a moment, for business organization the Guardians would realize she had it, and she couldnt use it not yet, maybe not ever. Damon shrugged one shoulder. They do cheat, sometimes, I hear. But its more likely this time that they thought they were tel ing the truth. They dont know everything, even though they like to pretend they do. And kitsune and vampires are both a little outside their area of expertise.He told her how he had woken, buried deep in ash and mud, clawed his way to the surface, and set off across the desolate moon, not knowing who he was or what had happened to him, and how he had almost died again, and that Sage had saved him.And then what? Elena asked eagerly. How did you remember everything? How did you get back to Earth?Wel , said Damon, turning a slight, fond smile on her,thats a funny story. He reached into an inner air hole of his leather jacket and pul ed out a neatly folded white linen handkerchief. Elena blinked. It looked like the same handkerchief he had given her in her dream. Damon spy her expression and smiled more widely, as though he knew where she was recognizing it from. He unfolded it and held it out for Elenas inspection.Cradled internal the handkerchief were two strands of hair. Very familiar hair, Elena realized. She and Bonnie had each put out off a lock of hair and placed them on Damons body, wanting to leave a part of themselves with him, since they couldnt take his body off the desolate moon with them. Before her now lay a curling red lock and a waving gold one, as b undecomposed and shiny as if they had nevertheless been cut from freshly washed heads, rather than left on a world with ash fal ing al around.Damon gazed at the locks with an expression made up of warmth and a little awe. Elena thought that she had never seen such an open, almost hopeful look from him.The Power from the star bal saved these, too, he said.First they were burned almost to ash, but then they regenerate d. I held them and studied them and cherished them, and you started to come back to me. Sage had given me my attain, and it sounded right to me, but I couldnt recal anything else about myself. But as I held these locks of hair, I gradual y remembered who you were, and what we had been through together, and al the things I He paused. What I knew and felt about you, and then I remembered the little redbird, too, and then everything else came flooding back and I was myself again.He glanced away and lost the sentimental look, smoothing his face into its usual cool expression, as if embarrassed, then folded the locks of hair back inside the handkerchief and tucked it careful y away into his jacket.Wel , he said briskly, then it was just a matter of having Sage lend me some clothes, fil me in on what I had missed, and give me a lift back to Fel s Church. And now here I am.I bet he was amazed, said Elena, and ecstatic. The vampire Keeper of the Gates Between Worlds was a dear friend of Da mons, the only friend of Damons she knew of, other than herself. Damons acquaintances tended to be enemies or admirers more often than friends.He was rather pleased, Damon admitted.So you just now made it back to Earth?Damon nodded.Wel , youve missed a lot here, Elena said, launching into an explanation of the past few days, starting with Celias name written in blood and ending on Calebs hospitalization.Wow. Damon let out a low whistle. But I have to assume the problem is more than my little brother acting like a madman with Caleb? Because, you know, that may be simple jealousy. Jealousy has always been Stefans biggest sin. He said the last with a smug twist to his lips, and Elena elbowed him gently in the ribs.Dont put Stefan down, she said reprovingly, and smiled to herself. It felt so good to be scolding Damon again. He real y was his own maddening, changeable, wonderful self again. Damon was back.Wait. Oh, no. Youre in danger, too Elena gasped, remembering suddenly that he coul d stil be taken from her.Your name appeared earlier, written in the weeds that were holding Meredith underwater. We didnt know what it could mean, because we thought you were dead. But, since youre alive, it seems youre the next target. She paused.Unless fal ing through the surface of the moon was the fervency on you.Dont worry about me, Elena. You are probably right about the attack on the moon being my accident. But they havent been very successful attempts, have they? Damon said thoughtful y. Almost as if whatever this is isnt trying very hard to kil us. I have a faint inkling about what might be causing this.You do? asked Elena. Tel me.Damon agitate his head. Its just a glimmer right now, he said. Let me get some sort of confirmation.But Damon, Elena pleaded, even a glimmer is much more than the rest of us have been able to come up with. Come with me tomorrow morning and tel everyone about it, and we can al work together.Oh, yes, said Damon, with a mock shudder. You and me and Mutt and the vampire hunter, a cozy group. Plus my pious brother and the little red witch. And the old lady witch and the teacher. No, Im going to do some more digging on my own. And whats more, Elena, he said, fixing her with a dark stare, youre not to tel anyone that Im alive. Especial y not Stefan.Damon Elena protested. You dont know how absolutely devastated Stefan is, thinking youre dead. We have to let him know youre al right.Damon smiled wryly. I think theres probably a part of Stefan thats glad enough to have me out of the picture. He doesnt have any reason to want me here. Elena shook her head in furious denial, but he went on. Its true. But maybe its time for things to be different between us. To that end, I have to show him that I can change. In any case, I cant investigate this properly if everyone knows Im around. Keep quiet for now, Elena. She opened her mouth to object further, but he silenced her with a quick, fierce kiss. When they broke apart, he said, Promise me for now, and Il promise you that as soon as I figure this out, you can announce my resurrection to the world.Elena nodded doubtful y. If thats what you real y want, Damon, and you real y think its necessary, she said. But Im not happy about it.Damon got to his feet and patted her shoulder. Things are going to be different now, he said. He looked down at her, his face serious. Im not the same as I was, Elena.Elena nodded again, more firmly this time. Il keep your secret, Damon, she promised.Damon gave her a smal , tight smile, then took three steps toward her open window. In a moment he was gone, and a large black crow flew out into the night.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Mr collins proposal to elizabeth Essay
How does Austen rehearse humour to portray Mr Collins and his device? Austen presents Mr Collins to be the approximately unwillingly quaint character in the whole invigorated through his extreme idiocy and pomposity. From Austens description of Mr Collins it is clear that he is self satisfied, rarefied and serious. Mingling with a very good picture of himself, of his authority as a clergyman. This shows that although Mr Collins isnt in a extremely high position in society he is proud of who he is and perhaps thinks himself to be more important than what he is in reality.In terms of physical appearance, Mr Collins is shorter than Darcy which could suggest that he has a weaker come across of marrying Elizabeth, as Darcy is more powerful and serious. Mr Collins isnt presented as a purposely comical character, but rather the opposite, he is always serious in every place and is often blinded by his own ego to see that people often mock him. Mr Collins proposal to Elizabeth is one of the most farcical points in the novel, which reflects his personality due to the fact that Austen presents it in a ironically humorous way.The first instance of irony is that Collins mistakes Elizabeths involuntariness to be left in the room alone with himself as modesty and shyness when in actual fact she Just finds the whole situation uncomfortable. other example of irony is when Mr Collins assumes that all young modest girls refuse a proposal from workforce that they intend to accept, l know it to be the set up custom of your sex to reject a man on the first application, and so takes Elizabeths refusal speech as encouragement and continues to persuade her with his literate proposal.This highlights how clueless and arrogant Mr Collins is as he has the audacity to continue with his proposal ignoring all sense of ridiculousness, and in a way patronises Elizabeth as he suggests that he knows how all young ladies act, and doesnt take her response seriously which reinforces how unromantic and scripted the proposal is. The words your sex indicate how domineering men were at the time, and he almost contradicts himself as earlier he states that he singled Elizabeth out, but then however goes on to group the whole sex unitedly suggesting that omen are all exactly the same.Mr Collins speaks of passion and love for Elizabeth as though he is reading a list or quoting something. The proposal is clearly unromantic and literate when Mr Collins begins listing his reasons for wanting to marry. My reasons for marrying are, first that I think it a right thing for every clergyman in easy circumstances ( interchangeable myself) to set the example of matrimony in his parish, secondly,. This shows that marriage for Mr Collins is simply a convenience rather than emotion, opposed to Elizabeth who elieves marriage is base on true love, and so his proposal becomes even more un realistic and comical as their views are so different.The line for coming into Hertfordshire with t he design of selecting a wife suggests that Mr Collins created a plan for his proposal before hand, and suggests that he chose Elizabeth purely shows the dominance of men at the time as women were almost like a prize that they selected. Although Mr Collins is trying to convince Elizabeth into marriage, he suggests that she almost his first choice when in actual fact he had planned to arry Jane. In contrast to this, he then goes on to say but before I am run away with by my feelings on this subject.This makes the situation more humorous as Mr Collins is clearly contradicting and humiliating himself as his earlier actions show that his need for marriage is not based on feelings and that he may not have any romantic feelings towards Elizabeth at all. Elizabeths reaction to Mr Collins reaction is perhaps what makes the whole situation more humorous. Firstly, she does the out of the question and refuses him, l am perfectly erious in my refusal, which would have been out of the ordinary and frowned upon in society at the time.The word serious shows how independent she is which was strange at the time as women were almost in possession of a man and you were only as good as the man you married. Strangely, Elizabeth finds the whole situation humorous, and or so entertaining as he is so pompous and self- righteous that she cant help but laugh. Made Elizabeth so near laughing that she could not use the short pause he allowed her to stop him further.Instead of stopping Mr Collins, she inds the whole situation overly awkward as she is aware of the total mutual exclusiveness of each other, in comparison to Mr Collins who is totally unaware of the fact that he looks ridiculous and so continues, hoping to impress Elizabeth. As Mr Collins continues on, Elizabeth begins to get forbid as she tried to subtly suggest that his idea of marriage would never work, however Mr Collins waistband persistent. It was absolutely necessary to interrupt him now.This is humorous as it show s how self obsessed Mr collins is as he thinks of himself too highly and believes that he is orthy of every woman, which is why he is so shocked when Elizabeth assures him that she is rejecting his proposal. l am persuaded that when sanctioned by the express authority of both your excellent parents, my proposals will not fail of being acceptable. The reader may diminutive or sympathise with Mr Collins as his inability to understand and pride could pass off to be innocence, which suggests he has no idea on the effect of marriage and love even though he speaks like he does.Mr Collins often elaborates in situations thinking himself to be the epitome of elegance, in ontrast to Elizabeth who stays silent and offers mere responses to his proposal. This is humorous as it highlights how shocked Elizabeth is at Mr Collins arrogance and reinforces their total incompatibility. To conclude, Austen successfully portrays a humorous scene which reflects the unwillingly comical character of Mr Co llins. She does this using ironic humour, and in particular makes Elizabeths response to the situation much less elaborate than the proposal itself, which shows how idiotic and narrow disposed(p) she views Mr Collins to be.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Analysis of the “Gladiator” trailer
Trailers ar a very important part of the advertise handst and forwarding of a feature icon. Trailers usually consist of a collecting of c atomic number 18fully chosen clips from the rent that pret eradicate the sense of hearing a vague idea of what the select is about and hopefully act upon the ear surmise to go and catch it. Trailers usually contain certain teaching about the dissipate and the plot. One of the main points that you would expect the slug to show the consultation is the genre of the film. The genre of a film is the category that it fits into or the type of film that it is.The trailer usually earns the consultation aware of the genre by the settings of the film or costumes, actors and the music apply in the film. By showing the genre of the film, the trailer often excessively makes the interview aware of the tooshie auditory sense or group of people that the film is aimed at. Trailers often focus on the films main selling points and affairs that ar e funny about the film (USPs). This could be musical compositiony opposite things. It is often the director, actors in the film or a particular facial expression of the plot that makes the film unique and catches the auditions attention.Overall, a trailer is a small part of a larger promotion campaign to persuade the auditory modality to go and see a particular film. The trailer does this using the best moments from the film, paying special attention to the main characters, and position them in a authority that makes them attractive to the audience. Although the main aim of the trailer is to tell the audience about the film and to persuade them to see it, at that place are a few other important pieces of information that it will show the audience. It will normally show a date of release.This is important so that the audience know when they can come and see the film. The trailer may as well show the audience an age rating for the film. This is very important because adds to the audiences cognition of the target audience and explains who the film is suitable for. All of the aspects that I have mentioned are important in adding to the overall effect of the trailer and fulfilling its aim of promoting the film. In this essay, I will be analysing the trailer for the blockbuster film Gladiator in great detail and discussing the effects that this trailer has on its audience.It is made clear by the trailer that this film is an epic, diachronic, action film. There are a number of things in the trailer that show us the genres of the film. In the trailer, all of the characters are exhausting armour or other historical costume. This makes it very clear that the film is set a long time ago therefrom showing the audience that it is a historical film. The television camera smacks showing the colliseum overly make this part of the genre cognise. Throughout the trailer, a number of fight and battle scenes are shown.This on with the fast pace of the trailer, s hows the audience that the film involves quite a lot of action. Last of all, the strong music and overall impression of the trailer makes it clear that the film is excessively epic. From the genre of the film, it is often possible to work out the target audience. I think that this trailer shows the target audience if this film to be men and older boys. I think that this is mainly because of the large amount of action in the film. The Gladiator trailer begins by showing the companies who made the film.The Universal logo is the first pattern to appear on the screen. This shows the audience that the film has been made by a well known company and this may start persuading the audience to come and see the film. After the Universal logo followed the Dreamworks logo. This will show the audience that the film contains special effects of a good standard because Dreamworks are well known for this. This again will persuade the audience and will make them aware of who the target audience mig ht be. Both of these well known companies could act as USPs for the film and make the audience want to see the film.As these logos are be shown, a strong drumbeat is being played. It is military modal value drumming. This gives the audience, immediately, onward the actual trailer has started, an idea of what type of film it could be or what the genre is. The opening sequence of the trailer contains a number of clues as to what the film may be like and who it is aimed at and has already begun to persuade the audience without any clips from the film being shown. The first thing to appear on the screen as the actual trailer begins is text. The lyric poem The general appear in bold.They are white on black orbit and they stand out to the audience. The words introduce the main character and besides give a bit more of an idea about the genre. The words give a visual voice-over for what is about to happen in the trailer. The visual voice-over replaces a traditional voice-over in the tr ailer and is used to explain what is going on in the trailer. This has an impact on the audience in a number of ways. One of the ways that it does this is that without an ordinary voice-over, the music can be heard better and is therefore more dramatic and has more of an affect on the audience.The visual voice-over also makes the audience focus on the screen and therefore they are more in all probability to notice the clips that are so important in persuading them to go and see the film. This again adds to the trailers overall effectiveness. Straight after the words, an image, of who we take up to be the general, appears on the screen. He is standing in front of lines of soldiers. He has a very determined expression on his vista and he is walking strongly. The camera pinch is at eye level. This allows the audience to relate to the character more as if they are there with him.The slow motion in this clip emphasizes the determination and strength in his walk. This makes him come across, to the audience, as a brave, strong-willed man. All of the soldiers are dressed in armour and the man, who we presume to be the general, is also dressed in historical costume. This therefore confirms the audiences thoughts about the genre of the film and also gives the audience a very vague idea of what the plot may be like. The fact that the shot focuses so much on this man makes it clear to the audience that this is the main character and that he is important in the plot of the film.As the clip freezes and disappears, the words who became a slave appear on the screen, again bold and standing out to the audience. The words not only describe the plot but also get the audience thinking about how these things could come about. Especially with this particular phrase as it could puzzle the audience as to why this has happened and how it is possible to go from the status of a general to a slave. This could make the audience more interested in the film because it shows that the fi lm has an unusual plot. This could be a unique selling point for the film.As the text on the screen disappears, another clip from the film is shown. This time it shows a long row of slaves standing still. This shot is a long shot which pans down the line to show the audience all of the slaves. This might shock the audience slightly because it is such a line of products to the last clip. In the line of slaves, there is one who is standing tall and determined and his stature tells the audience that he is the general who we saw before. This tells the audience that he is the main character in the film and that he is the person that we should focus on throughout the film.The image uses certain color, oranges, browns and yellows, to add to the audiences understanding of the genre and to make sure that they know that the film is set in ancient times. The main point of this clip is to show the audience who the main character is and why he is different to all of the other slaves- his stren gth and determination. After this shot, the visual voice-over continues with the words the slave. This shows the audience that the trailer is going to talk them through the plot of the film, pace by step.The audience will like this because they like to know what to expect although the visual voice-over will just give them the basic plot and leave the audience wanting to know more. As the visual voice-over disappears once again, another clip is shown. This time it shows the same man, with his back to the audience, walking into the colliseum, his head held high and proud. We cant see his face but we presume that he is the same man as before. There are cheers in the range. The way that he is walking proudly shows the audience that he is not going to be a slave for much longer and that he is going to be the hero of the film.The cheers in the background show the audience that the man is popular. It also shows the audience what he may become in the future- a prizefighter. Finally, the c olliseum in the background again shows us that the film is historical and also possible epic. The visual voice-over continues to talk the audience through the story with who became a gladiator as the image changes. We now see a gladiator who we presume to be the man talked about by the visual voice-over, leading others into the centre of the arena. He is dressed fully in armour making him unrecognisable to the audience.The camera pans, following him as he walks along. The camera tilts to a low rake making the gladiator appear powerful and dominant. The crowd can be seen in the background, a mid-shot, and along with the cheering, this builds up atmosphere and makes the audience feel part of the scene or the crowd. This clip begins to introduce the theme of action to the trailer allow the audience know the adjoining part of the genre. A long, deep drum beat is played as the scene freezes and more text appears on the screen. The next section of the visual voice-over to appear on the screen is the gladiator.This text clarifies the previous clip for the audience making sure that they understand the plot so far. Next, as the military style drumming continues, we are shown an eye-level close up of the gladiator. The dark colours with red, sandy tones reinforce the genre, as do the costume. The warm colours also make the character appear unthreatening to the audience and make it clear that he is the hero or goody in the film. The fact that the camera shot is at eye-level means that the audience feel, in each shot that they are getting to know the character more.The fact that the shot is quite resembling to the first camera shot in the trailer means that the audience instantly recognise the character. The determined expression also makes it clear that he is a hero figure in the film. Overall, the clip continues to introduce the main character paying more attention now to his personality rather than his role in the film. The image links the visual voice-over to the character making it perfectly clear who it is talking about. Again, the image freezes and the visual voice-over once again appears on the screen. This time it states who defied an pudding stone.It is continuing to take the audience through the plot of the film, step by step. In the image that is shown after the text, the trailer introduces the audience to a new, different character. The image shows a tall, obviously powerful man. He is standing on a balcony, waving to a huge cheering crowd below. This image relies on the audiences companionship of stereotypes and expectations to show them that this is a powerful person, the emperor butterfly. The cheers in the background along with the giant crowd, from which the noise is coming, show the audience that this man is well-known and highly respected.This again adds to their knowledge of the characters role in the film. After this clip, a number of action shots are cut together quickly. The speed of the trailer creates excitement in t he audience and also adds to the audiences knowledge of the action genre within the film. The clips that are shown in this fast paced section also show the action aspect of the film. There are a number of clips showing different fight scenes in the colliseum. This adds greatly to the audiences knowledge of both the historical and action aspects of the film.The next clip that is shown in this section is a close-up view of a golden mask. This instantly attracts the audiences attention because they begin to ask questions about who is behind the mask but the clip changes before they have a chance to find out. The shot switches to a bold, bright action shot which shows a gladiator, presumably the one who has been shown throughout the trailer, on his chariot, flying through a sea of flames. This catches the audiences attention because of the bright colours which suddenly appear, very different from the earthy colours used throughout the trailer so far.Again there is also mystery that make s the audience interested because, again, they cant be sure who they are seeing in this clip and they may then want to see the film in order to find out. The shot of the storming chariot is also shown in slow motion so this makes the shot even more effective as it builds up suspense and tension as the audience wonder what will happen next. Again, the clip pauses and we are once again shown the colliseum. It is a low angle camera shot. This makes the colliseum appear very large and dominant over the screen.This shot shows the audience how important this building will be in the film and also how much the historical genre will affect the film. The trailer now cuts again to the character that we were introduced to not long ago, the powerful man. As we see him, he is screaming at a woman, his face angry and his voice loud. The dialogue shocks the audience because it is so sudden and unexpected. The man is screaming at a recent woman who seems so powerless compared to him. He is screamin g am I not merciful? . This instantly portrays this man, the emperor, as a villain. It makes the audience dislike him. It does this part by sympathy.The audience may feel sorry for the five-year-old woman as he screams and may feel that by upsetting her, he is a bad person. The trailer also portrays him as a villain using out stereotypical view of people as well as our expectations. The audience will most likely be expecting there to be both a goody and a baddy in the film as this is normally the case. The audience will also, most likely, have a stereotypical view that the villain or baddy in the film will be aggressive and most likely a powerful figure. This shot uses both speech and the audiences expectations and stereotypical views to portray the emperor as a villain.Next we are shown another clip of the emperor telling the audience even more about his character and personality in the film. He is shown in a mid-shot looking down at the camera. He has a stern, evil expression on his face which confirms that he is the same man who was shown in the previous clip. The way that he is looking down at the camera or the audience shows that he is powerful and that he knows this. The expression as he stares down at the audience makes him appear dangerous and again adds to our feelings about him as a villain.Overall, this low angle shot makes the emperor seem dominant and in control of us and the fact that he seems to be making eye-contact with the audience adds to this making us feel slightly threatened by him. The visual voice over is now re-introduced to the trailer with This summer a hero will rise. This caption of text plays along to the audiences expectations that there will be both a villain and hero in the film. It also gives the audience an idea of when the film is released and has also incorporated this into the explanation of the plot.As this text is disappearing an extreme low angle shot appears on the screen. It shows the gladiator standing tall and bol d. The extreme low angle shot makes him appear brave and heroic while his stature tells us that he is a hero. On the clip, he is rising up the screen. This links in with the text that was shown just before and turns the metaphorical phrase into a physical happening making it easier for the audience to understand. In this section of the trailer we are also shown another fast paced montage of clips from the film. The first clip in this section shows the man standing in the arena, his hand in the air.This seems to resemble victory and shows the audience that he is most certainly the hero of the film. As this clip is being shown, over the cheering and background music, a piece of dialogue is played. Caesar is proud to present Avius Maximus. This instantly makes the audience feel that they can relate to the man better as they assume that the man shown is the one being talked about. The way that the dialogue is spoken also shows that the man is highly respected, has done amazing things an d is a hero. This again shows us the epic aspect of the film.The next shot in this fast-paced sequence is a mid shot of a man who we presume to be Maximus, kissing a young woman. This is especially important to the secondary target audience. Females might be much more likely to want to see the film now that they know fancy is involved. It shows the audience that the film isnt just about action and that it can fit into many different genres. This could be another unique selling point for the film. Overall, this shot is an extremely important part of the trailer, because, it makes the film appeal to a wider range of people in the audience and promotes the film greatly.The fast paced action scenes continue before more text is shown on the screen. This time, the text is showing us the name of the director, Ridley Scott. This instantly catches the audiences attention because he is such a famous director and is noteworthy for his action films. This will have a huge affect in promoting t he film because it is yet another unique selling point that will persuade the audience to come and see the film. Straight after this text disappears, a bold logo appears on the screen saying Gladiator. As it appears on the screen, a deep, loud drumbeat is played to symbolise the importance of this word or logo.By not showing the name of the film, till the very end of the trailer, the audience are kept in suspense, wanting to know what the film is called. As well as this, the title of the film summarises the whole trailer because of the relevance that it has to the overall theme of the film. The one-word title is catchy and because of the way that it is presented in the trailer, it is likely that the audience will remember it and are therefore, more likely to go and see the film. The final thing to be shown at the end of the trailer is the release time of the film.However it is given a slight twist. The exact words on the screen are coming soon 2000 AD. While this gives the audience a clear understanding of when the film is to be released, it also adds to the final suggestion of the historical genre as the letters AD show us that the film is not set in the present day or they would not bother to put the letters there. Overall, I think that this trailer is effective and that it promotes the film using a number of different, useful techniques. The first reason why I think that this trailer is effective is because of the music.The music that is played throughout the trailer is just different variations on a simple military style drum roll. The thing that makes the music so effective is the way that it is synchronised with the different clips in the trailer. The music fits the trailer together in a way that makes it have most impact on the audience. After analysing the trailer, I have also found that the camera shots make the trailer very effective. The way that the different shots are used to communicate the importance, personality and roles of the characters, g ives the audience a much better understanding of the characters and the overall plot of the film.Finally, I think that the way in which the trailer uses our stereotypical views and expectations make it very effective. The trailer gives the audience the basic plot but leaves the audience to decide for them self about the characters instead of spoon-feeding the information to them. This means that the audience have much more personal views about the characters and therefore feel more need to see the film. In my opinion, the Gladiator trailer is very effective and the use of camera shots, music, originality and plot should make the trailer successful in promoting the film.
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